Happy 2018!

Pay to Park is a current hot button issue currently and we the Board would like to set a few things out in stone regarding the current proposals floating through the county government.
First and foremost, county employees with which we work closely have assured us on multiple occasions that pay to park is not on the table for tenant lots within the proposed pay to park plans. Tonight I attended the public hearing and brain storming session hosted by the county parks department with regard to the pay to park situation and made the stance of McBOAT loud and clear (see image below).
A short presentation started the evening with the only new note worthy information being a map, sorry I don't have one to share. which showed that the parking lot areas near the South and North sections were of interest for pay to park operations. *NOTE* Please do not be alarmed as this is a very early map and the map was so large that it showed the entirety of Milwaukee County. It is impossible to say which exact lots are being looked at. But be assured your McBOAT Board of Directors will watch this situation very closely and has already reached out to Parks personnel prior to this meeting to make sure your tenant parking and the parking of your guests remains protected and free.

After the presentation, I helped brain storm with other concerned citizens about the future of the parks and how we can help build a better and more financially stable parks system for the future and some great ideas were had by all. All in all, the County needs to raise funds in some way, and we are empathetic to this. But we have expressed adamant opposition to having the tenants and tenant guests of McKinley Marina pay any more than they already do simply to arrive at their slip and park their vehicle(s).
If you have any questions or comments on this topic please let us know in the comments below or by emailing us at McBoatmke@gmail.com.
UPDATE 2-13-18: The County Executive has decided to ask the Board of Supervisors to suspend its search for parking revenue for 2018. Provided the Board accepts this it will mean no pay to park plans in any park for at least 2018. Â Read more here: