McBoat Works for You!!

Strength is in numbers. This is so true when working with a county run marina. Please Join McBoat to be a part of the advocate groups energy to improve our short summers marina enjoyment. You will also gain access to our Waterline newsletter and receive important e-mail communications.
The McBoat Mission
McBoat's mission is to advocate on behalf of McKinley slip tenants to maximize their marina experience. Maintaining a working relationship between the tenants of McKinley Marina and Marina Staff towards improving access to, and a professionally operated marina. Provide an outlet for educational & recreational information to McKinley Marina Tenants. To work with other related organizations in the McKinley Marina Basin on behalf of the McKinley Marina Tenants.
Update: Why join McKinley Marina Boat Owners Association?
McBOAT works to keep slip prices down and amenities up. While 2019 did see a Slip fee increase of 2% McBoat has been tirelessly working to provide better access to our first responders while keeping an open dialog with Milwaukee County regarding the coming construction to the North Section Parking Lots.